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NdFeB price trend

NdFeB N50M/H N52 Price Chart (2021.3-2022.8)

To understand the recent price trend of NdFeB neodymium magnets, how much is the price of one kilogram of NdFeB magnets? Today, Xiaobian brings you the price chart of NdFeB N50M, 50H, and N52 grades, in units of yuan/kg....

Price trend chart of sintered NdFeB 50H in the past 3 years

If you want to know the price and price trend of NdFeB 50H, today Xiaobian brings you the latest price of sintered NdFeB 50H material and a price trend in the past 3 years. How much is a ton of NdFeB 50H? The recent price is around 347,500 yuan/ton....